Monday, April 16, 2012

Lesson 14: How to Wear a Sweet 'Stache

click on the picture to see the hilarious joke!
Hello World - don't worry, I'm still writing blog posts!
Things have been quite busy in Central America lately, with tests and grades and report cards and the Easter holiday and all sorts of other things.
Within the last few weeks I've had two prominent events having one thing in common: mustaches. I've been a fan of fashionable facial follicles for a long time, so when I have opportunities to have, make, reference, or otherwise appreciate mustaches, beards or sideburns, I do it.
Julio and his dad took their time picking out the
perfect mustaches!

Fernando usually has fun with goofy things, but somehow
he was less than enthusiastic about the mustaches...
As you know, we get to decorate the doors of our classrooms each month. The notable event that takes place in March in Honduras is Fathers' Day.
Many classrooms incorporate an activity that the students can create to present to their fathers who come for a classroom celebration.
I had an idea to make neckties that could be on the door and kids could write what they like about their dads on them. But I found out that some other classes were doing that, so I wanted to do something different and came up with, you guessed it - mustaches!
So as you can see we had a giant mustache on the door with little mustaches displaying the name of each student's dad (and my dad, too!)
Even the girls enjoyed it!
On the Friday before Fathers' Day there was a program for the fathers after which they came to our classrooms for a little party. With the help of one of the teacher assistants, I had a bunch of mustache shapes cut out for the Dads and kids to wear to take pictures.
Not many of them wanted to do it at first, but once some of them tried it most of them wanted to! Some of the dads were pretty straight-laced and serious, so it was fun to see them loosen up a bit!

Andres and the Lopsided Banker Stache

Laura and the Bandit Stache
Jose with a sort of Retired Lone Ranger look
A week after Fathers' Day was my birthday, and my group of friends from church loves to make a big deal of birthdays. I didn't have to plan anything, but it was an awesome fun time with friends and, yes, more mustaches! I had told some of the friends about my Fathers' Day activities and they knew about my affinity for 'staches. We got together for dinner and festivities at my friend's apartment. They had set up a Photo Booth with costumes and hats to wear and take pictures! I made sure to get a picture with everyone wearing sweet 'staches. And later we had cupcakes topped with - who would have thought - cut out mustaches. It was an epic night of facial hair, fun and friends.


  1. Makes me so happy I started growing a 'stache!!! Thanks for the inspiration, Dan.

  2. Having seen said DOOR live & In Person, I must say it is most hair-raising. And I'm not just going to whisker it, I'll shout it out, by the hairs of my chinny-chin chin. (I shaved the best for last!)
